School of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Mrs. Sylvia Karen Josiah is a trained nurse, certified midwife, and nurse educator with over thirty years of experience. Her span of experience includes being a Sister lecturer and Principal Tutor at the former School of Nursing at the Antigua State College. She is an executive member of the Antigua and Barbuda Nurses Association and served as its President from 2017- 2019. Mrs. Josiah is also a member of the distinguished international nursing organization Sigma Theta Tau, Caribbean Chapter. Mrs. Josiah received a Master's degree in Public Health Education and a BSc in Nursing from the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus Jamaica, in 2011 and 2002, respectively. She is currently pursuing a terminal degree in Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership and Management at Walden University. Her research interest focuses on identifying issues and gaps in higher education practice and informing policy change. Mrs. Josiah is passionate about nursing education and loves teaching and motivating nursing students to aim for excellence. This, she believes is a profound way to inspire caring, ethical, and professional values among young members of the nursing profession. She is cognisant that today’s nursing students will not only be her case nurse but her colleague tomorrow. Hence she firmly believes that they must be treated with high levels of respect, guided, and nurtured correctly. She is most grateful for the opportunity to serve in the capacity of a Lecturer at the UWI, Five Islands, where she can instill values in the next generation of nurses.
Research Interests
Identifying issues and gaps in higher education practice and informing policy change.