Graduate Admissions
Application period for Semester 1, 2021/2022 is as follows:
January 25, 2021 to July 11, 2021 (For Postgraduate Programmes)
We are very aware of the wide cross-section of professionals across the region and beyond who are looking to The UWI for opportunities to further their professional development. We know that many of you are drawn to the Five Islands Campus because of the flexible study arrangements we provide.
Our aim is to provide you with a learning environment in which you can strengthen your skills as a self-directed learner and enhance your capacity to interact and collaborate with your peers, share experiences, challenge accepted ideas and build new knowledge.
Whether you have studied at The UWI before, or whether you are joining the institution for the first time, welcome to your link to online graduate study at The UWI Five Islands Campus.
For information on the entry requirements for each programme, please visit the Programmes section. For a list of the documents that should accompany your application, follow this link .
If you do not wish to apply for entry to an entire programme but only to some courses in a programme, then follow this link for information on specially admitted or occasional students.
Please note that for regional programmes, applications must be completed online.
You must submit the Application Receipt and all required supporting documents to the Five Islands Campus Site in order to complete the application process.
The offer of programmes and courses is subject to the availability of an adequate number of qualified persons.