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B.Sc. Psychology

About the Programme

Program Overview: The Psychology program offers a comprehensive exploration of the fascinating field of psychology, providing students with a solid foundation in theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Through classroom learning, hands-on experiences, and research opportunities, students will gain insight into the complexities of human behaviour, cognition, and emotions.

Entry Requirements

Minimum Requirements for the Three (3) Year Degree Programme

Applicants must satisfy the requirements in either (a) and (b) or (c) below:

Five (5) GCE O’ Levels Grades A, B or C, or CXC General Proficiency Level 1 or 2 pre-1998 and, General Proficiency Level 3 after June 1998, subject passes in Mathematics, English Language and three (3) other subjects.

A minimum of two (2) subjects at CAPE or GCE A’ Level passes. CAPE subjects must consist of both Unit 1 and Unit 2.

An associate degree from approved Caribbean tertiary level institutions with a minimum GPA of 2.5.


Minimum Requirements for the Four (4) Year Degree Programme

Applicants must satisfy the requirements in either (a) and (b) below:

CXC/CSEC or GCE O’Level passes in a minimum of five (5) subjects. Subject requirements are Mathematics and English Language. Grade requirements for CXC/CSEC are General Proficiency, Grades I or II pre-1998 and Grades I, II, or III from June 1998, and

CAPE or GCE A ‘Level passes in at least one (1) subject. CAPE subject must consist of both Unit 1 and Unit 2


Applicants must have CAPE (both Units 1 and 2) passes in the approved CAPE/GCE A-level science subjects or an equivalent approved Associate Science Degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5.

In addition to fulfilling Lower-level matriculants without these qualifications, they must first pass UWI Preliminary level science – courses.


Course of Study