The Diploma in Education (Secondary) is an In - Service programme for secondary teachers who possess a Bachelor degree but have not been exposed to any professional training in teaching. The major emphasis in the programme is to help teachers, through exposure to a range of relevant experiences and processes, function with a high degree of effectiveness in the classroom in the context of rapidly changing global, regional and school environments. At the same time, equal emphasis will be placed on helping the teacher develop as a high quality, discerning professional who recognises the importance of lifelong learning, self-assessment and continuous professional development. Integration of Theory and Practice will be emphasized in this programme.
Entry Requirements
Applicants must have a Bachelor degree or its equivalent in the specialisation which they teach with a G.P.A of at least 2.0. This specialisation must be clearly identifiable (based on official transcript details) and would be evidenced by proof of successful completion of at least eight courses, (equivalent of 24 credits) in the specialisation. The candidate must teach in the specialisation for the full duration of the programme.
Applicants for admission who are not graduates of The University of the West Indies must, at the time of their application, arrange for the submission of official transcripts.
Each application must be accompanied by the required application fee which is non-refundable.
The originals and one copy of each of the following documents must be submitted with this application:
- Birth Certificate;
- Academic Certificates/Transcripts
- Professional Certificates/Diplomas
- Marriage Certificate/Deed Poll, if present name is different from that on documents.
Applicants with qualifications in a language other than English should submit a certified English translation of these qualifications.