Dr. Sandra Sookram is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at the School of Business and Management at the Five Islands Campus. She is coordinator of the Economics Unit and Chairs the Campus Committee for Graduate Studies and Research, the Ethics Committee, and the Quality Assurance Board (Lifelong Learning Unit) at the Five Islands Campus.
Prior to her appointment as Senior Lecturer (Five Islands Campus) Dr. Sookram was a Deputy Governor (Monetary Operations and Policy) at the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago during the period 2015-2020. She was responsible for the Banking Operations, Reserves and Domestic Market Management, Research, and Information Services Departments at the Central Bank.
Preceding her appointment at the Central Bank, Dr. Sookram was a Fellow at the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES), at The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. Her scientific achievements lie in her research in various areas in economics and her work has been published in refereed journals, both regionally and internationally, and she has contributed chapters to several books. A major part of her work as a Fellow involved the supervision of students at the M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. levels, most of who have graduated.
During her time at the University, Dr. Sookram received various awards for her work on economic development issues, one such award was the UWI Vice Chancellor’s ’60 under 60’ award for research. Internationally, her research attracted support in the form of a British Academy Fellowship, which allowed her to further research in the area of poverty and welfare. Dr. Sookram has also worked with several international agencies in research areas of significance to the Caribbean region. She has attended and presented her research at numerous regional and international workshops, seminars and conferences.
Dr. Sookram served on the North Central Regional Health Authority Board as Deputy Chairman, where her oversight included chairing the Tenders Committee.
Teaching Areas
- ECON 2000 Intermediate Microeconomics I
- ECON2002 Intermediate Macroeconomics I
- ECON 2001 Intermediate Microeconomics II
- ECON2003 Intermediate Macroeconomics II
- ECON 3034 Resource & Environmental Economics
- MGMT 3076 Managing Financial Institutions
Refereed Publications
Book Chapters
- Sahadeo, C. and Sookram, S. 2013. Mentorship, Leadership and Human Resource Development in Trinidad and Tobago. In: How Can HR Drive Growth? Edited by Saridakis, G. and Cooper, C. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. (New Horizons in Management Series), pp. 118-140.
- Mohammed, A-M, Sookram, S. and Saridakis, G. 2014. Rationality. Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, pp 1-10. Springer: New York. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-7883-6_404-1
Journal Articles
- Saridakis, G., Mohammed, A-M, and Sookram, S. 2015. Does Crime Affect Firm Innovation? Evidence from Trinidad and Tobago. Economics Bulletin, 35(2): 1205-1215.
- Mohammed, A-M and Sookram, S. 2015. The Impact of Crime on Tourist Arrivals - A Comparative Analysis of Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago. Social and Economic Studies, 64(2).
- Sookram, Sandra, Roger Hosein, Leera Boodram, and George Saridakis. 2022. "Determining Factors of FDI Flows to Selected Caribbean Countries" Journal of Risk and Financial Management 15, no. 2: 48. https://doi.org/10.3390/jrfm15020048
- Hosein, R., Gookool, R.. Saridakis, G. and Sookram, S. 2023. “Leveraging growth spillovers to navigate CARICOM trade relations in the post-COVID-19 global space” EuroMed Journal of Business, Vol. (to be provided) (https://doi.org/10.1108/EMJB-04-2022-0084)
Other Publications
- Moya, R., A-M. Mohammed, and S. Sookram. 2010. Productive Development Policies in Trinidad and Tobago: A Critical Review. IDB Working Paper Series #115. Washington, D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank.
- Auguste, S., R. Moya, and S. Sookram. 2011. Housing Finance Policy under Dutch Disease Pressure: The Mortgage Market in Trinidad and Tobago. IDB Technical Note No.: IDB-TN-302. Washington, D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank.
- Ramlogan, A and S. Sookram. 2018. Coordination of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Trinidad and Tobago. Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago Working Paper 02/2018.
Technical Reports
- Sookram, S. and Watson, P.K. 2012. A Political Economy Analysis of the Budgetary Process in Trinidad and Tobago. IDB Research Project. 34 pages.
- Moore, W., Sookram, S and Clarke, C. 2013. Projecting the Economic and Financial Implications of the Highly Indebted Commonwealth Small and Vulnerable Economies. Commonwealth Secretariat Research Paper. 52 pages.
Edited Journal Issue
- Sookram, S. (2011). Beyond Survival: Turmoil and Turbulence in Small Developing States. Social and Economic Studies, 60 (3,4).